Blogs are a hungry beast. They need feeding. And regularly. But coming up with interesting and innovative blog content ideas isn't always easy.

However, help is at hand! Here, I've compiled a list of six classic ways you can fill your blog with interesting content.

I suggest you rotate them to keep you and your audience interested.

Other ways to generate blog content ideas

  • Read online news sites to get inspiration - journalists are pro's at coming up with new content formats;
  • Research what your competitors are doing - chances are they'll be doing something different to you; and
  • Pick up your favourite print magazine (yes, they're still out there) and check out their regular slots - any you can emulate?

If you are truly stuck for content ideas get in touch with our team today. Bright Star's team are all media professionals. We've spent our entire careers coming up with new, interesting and unusual ways to create content for some of the best-known media outlets in the world.

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